10 Things We Learned from Our Planet High Seas Episode

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The Netflix documentary series Our Planet (2019) shares some of the world’s most captivating wildlife stories with raw, stunning imagery. If you’re like us, many of the things you’ll learn will surprise you.

As ocean tour operators, we paid special attention to the Our Planet High Seas episode (Season 1, Episode 6). While it doesn’t specifically focus on Hawaii, many of the fascinating marine life facts left us in awe, especially since we encounter spinner dolphins nearly every day on our Dolphins and You tours.


<Our Planet High Seas : summary> This episode dives deep into the mysterious and vast open oceans, showcasing the incredible wildlife that thrives far from the shores. From the remarkable spinner dolphins that hunt in massive pods to the giant blue whales, the largest animals on Earth, the high seas are teeming with life. The episode highlights the intricate food chains and interdependencies among marine species, like how dolphins and bluefin tuna work together to hunt lanternfish. It also addresses the fragility of these ecosystems, emphasizing the impact of overfishing and the critical need for conservation to protect these vital marine environments. Stunning visuals and compelling storytelling bring the beauty and challenges of the high seas to life.

We recommend watching the full series for a well-rounded experience, but here are some fascinating facts you’ll learn from the High Seas episode:

#1: A Main Prey of Spinner Dolphins is Lanternfish

One of the reasons dolphins still thrive is because we don’t share the same taste in fish. One of dolphins’ main food sources is lanternfish, which spend most of their time in the depths of the sea. We don’t eat lanternfish because they are out of our reach.

Dolphins, however, are able to use sonar to locate the fish and drive them toward the surface for them to eat.

#2: Bluefin Tuna Use Dolphins to Find Lanternfish

Endangered Bluefin Tuna are some of the ocean’s fastest predators. But they can’t find lanternfish alone. The tuna trail behind spinner dolphins and rely on the dolphins’ sonar to help them find and eat lanternfish, too.

#3: Spinner Dolphin Pods Can Reach 10,000 Members

Spinner dolphins are very social animals. They are rarely seen alone and always travel in family groups or pods. In the high seas, these pods can reach massive proportions as multiple families join together in pursuit of their prey.

Large Spinner Dolphin Pod

#4: Dolphins Help Fertilize the Ocean

After dolphins eat lanternfish, their waste becomes similar to an ocean manure. And the ocean’s tiniest plants – microscopic phytoplankton – use it as fertilizer to help them produce oxygen. This exchange plays a vital role in recycling nutrients from the ocean’s depths back to its surface.

#5: Phytoplankton Produce Half Our World’s Oxygen

When we think of what produces our world’s oxygen, we usually think of trees and rainforests. But in fact, the ocean’s phytoplankton produces half of the world’s oxygen. In order to create that oxygen, they convert carbon dioxide. That helps keep the temperature of our planet stable.

#6: Phytoplankton Help Form Clouds

These tiny, magnificent little plants have another trick up their sleeves. Sometimes when the ocean waves create spray, some of those water drops rise up into the sky. If phytoplankton make their way into the sky, they give clouds something to stick to in order to form. Clouds also play an important role in keeping the earth’s temperature stable, since they block some of the sun’s heat from warming the ocean.

#7: Coral Reef Exists Even in the Deep Ocean

If you’ve joined a Dolphins and You tour, then you may have snorkeled with sea turtles and tropical fish along the coral reef. But this was just offshore in shallow water. It turns out coral called lophelia are able to stay alive and form bustling communities in the dark depths, more than 1,500 feet deep.

#8: Baby Blue Whales Grow Multiple TONS Per Month

The High Seas episode contains some of the most intimate footage of blue whales ever captured. Even though these are the largest animals on our planet, we still know little about them. According to the show, a baby blue whale grows up to 3 tons per month in its first year of life.

#9: One Third of Fish Populations Are at Risk Due to Overfishing

In the high seas, there is little regulation or rules on how much people can fish. This free-for-all has led to humans wiping out a third of all fish populations. Other ocean animals, such as dolphins, whales, and sharks, rely on fish to survive. More than anything, Our Planet urges viewers to support international fishing treaties that would place a limit on how much fish can be gathered from our oceans in unregulated areas.

#10: Ocean Predators are Vital to Healthy Oceans

Whales, dolphins, tuna, and sharks are vital to healthy oceans. And in turn, healthy oceans are vital to a healthy planet and the health of humanity.

Enjoy the Ocean, Protect the Ocean

As you enjoy our Dolphins and You tours, remember that preserving the health of our oceans and its creatures starts with understanding and action.Visit ourplanet.com to learn more about protecting the high seas.

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