Mālama ka’āina

He ali’i ka’āina, he kauwā ke kanaka.

And You Creations is committed to promoting environmental stewardship, cultural sensitivity, community well-being, and quality education through our tour experiences.  We aim to raise awareness of sustainable policies and practices with our customers, partners, and industry stakeholders to better ensure responsible tourism.  Together we can preserve and perpetuate the cultural and natural resources of Hawaii for generations through education and stewardship.  Mālama ka’āina, I Hawai‘i nō nā Hawai‘i i ka ‘āina.

Certified in 2016 by the Hawai‘i Ecotourism Association as a Sustainable Tour provider, And You Creations supports sustainable ecotourism. With our foundations in aloha ‘āina, ‘ike kūpuna and kūpono, we seek to sustain our island home and people in perpetuity.

And You Creations Mission Statement & Vision

It is our intention to serve humanity by creating a living bridge between the world of cultures, religious beliefs and different lifestyles so that we may collectively create a unity of heart, mind and soul.  It is throughout these experiences that we come to realize that we are truly one in spirit, and that we co-exist in a life filled with love and abundance.

Contact Information

+1 (808) 696-4414
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM HST Daily


Waikiki Office Location

307 Lewers Street, Suite 401
Honolulu, HI 96815

Copyright © And You Creations
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307 LEWERS ST. #410 HONOLULU, HI 96815
(808) 696-4414 :: DAILY 8:00AM ~ 5:00PM

Dolphins and You BBB Business Review