Dolphins are pretty amazing animals.
Most people already know that they’re pretty smart. But many folks probably don’t realize just how smart they are.
In fact, this week, our awesome photographer, Blake, shares some pretty amazing research that demonstrates just how amazing these mammals area. For example, did you know that dolphins actually have names?
Not only that, but the way they learn their names puts human beings to shame. Just think about it: it took you at least a few months, if not a year, to learn to recognize your own name when you were a baby. Imagine if you had to learn it using sonar to distinguish a series of clicks and whistles. And then imagine you had to do it in just 3 days!
Without a doubt, the next time you join us for our Dolphins and You tour, you’ll look at these creatures in a whole new light!
You’ll definitely want to watch this week’s episode of the Clip of the Week, as Blake shares the research and gives you an amazing look at her footage with dolphins in the waters of Hawaii.
Plus, she also shares what you can do to help these amazing animals. And you don’t even have to be in Hawaii to do it!
Check it out here:
Thanks so much to Blake for sharing this awesome information and her beautiful footage on our YouTube channel.
Of course, if you’d like to be notified whenever we have a new video up on the channel, be sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel and we’ll let you you know right away!
And while you’re at it, go ahead and check out our Dolphins and You Instagram feed and Facebook page, where we post clips and photos every single day!

What exactly is the Photographer “Clip of the Week”?
At And You Creations we love our photographers, guides, crew and drivers. Without them we’d have to change our name to “Only You Creations“, because they are the integral pieces of the puzzle that make this whole thing work.
So, we’re really happy to announce the inaugural season and episodes of our new video series: Clip of the Week (COTW).
Each week one of our amazing photographers is going to share some video footage they’ve recently taken. But unlike the clips we normally post on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube, these are coming straight from them to you.
We’ve told them to share whatever clip resonates with them. The only limitation is that it should be family friendly. Other than that, sky’s the limit!
We know our photographers have incredible creativity and artistic sensibilities. So we are thrilled they can have this opportunity to share it with all of you.
One week you might see some dolphins in the water. The next week you might see something on the boat … or a guest … or an interesting cloud formation. It can be anything, as long as it really speaks to the photographer and they feel compelled to share it with all of you.
We can’t wait to see what they come up with!
Credit where credit is due
Be sure to check out Blake’s Instagram feed where you’ll get some great shots of her underwater, amazing sea life, hiking around the islands, pictures of delicious food, and tons and tons of puppy pictures! You can find her on Instagram @barefoot.mermaid. Here are a few fun shots from her feed:
Of course, if you’d like to join our tour and let Blake know how awesome she (and her footage) is, then be sure to come join us on the boat for your own dolphins swim experience with Dolphins and You. Click here to learn more about the tour, or click right here to book your tour now! 🙂